In 1997, Thilo Höhne, Karim Scharabi, Philipp Schiffer, Jochen Schuh, Markus Schwieger and Oliver Witan founded the office of netzwerkarchitekten in Darmstadt. As an interdisciplinary team with a payroll of over 25, the company’s projects center on architecture, urban planning and design; the planning ranges from housing and cultural centers, religious edifices, transportation construction and trade fair booths to research and educational institutions.
Architecture has no need for a rigid ideology: netzwerkarchitekten’s design strategies are based on a desire to find simple yet significant solutions for the complex environment in which they operate, and to satisfy users’ needs in a straightforward and unpretentious way.
The office takes part in competitions, both open and by invitation, as well in peer reviews, with great success. The projects thus realized have received many renowned awards and architectural prizes. netzwerkarchitekten's “Tausendfüßler” (Millipede) bridge in Oberhausen, completed in 1999 in the context of IBA Emscher Park, won the office nationwide recognition in Germany.
Further impressive examples of the company's array of successful projects include the community center for the St. Thomas Parish in Mannheim/Neuhermsheim (completed 2007), the Überseequartier HafenCity Hamburg subway station (commissedion in 2012), the Gries Deco Company logistics center in Niedernberg (completed 2013) and the six subway stations for the Wehrhahn Line in Düsseldorf (completed 2016).
Additional teaching, lecturing and jury activities round off the office's work.
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